Each category will make up 20% of your overall score.
Footwork - Jam Skating moves that are performed with either 1 or 2 skates touching the floor without other parts of the body, such as hands or knees, touching the floor. (20%)
Groundwork - Jam Skating moves that are performed with 1 or 2 skates touching the floor, as well as another part of the body, such as a hand or a knee, also touching the floor at the same time. (20%)
Power - Jam Skating moves that are performed without either skate touching the floor during the execution of the move. (20%)
Musicality - ANY Jam Skating move that is performed in a way that matches or complements the music. In other words, “The only thing missing from the song was YOU!” (20%)
Battletude - “Battle Attitude” is how well a skater presents themselves while demonstrating confidence, determination, poise, tenacity, and boldness including ardently responding to their opponents moves and enthusiastically hyping up the crowd through their Jam Skating moves and performance. In other words, “In it to win it!” Also encompasses oversight of applicable rules including time limits. (20%)