Competitive Jam Skating Events


This is the paramount event in Competitive Jam Skating. Therefore, it awards Jam Skaters the most points for each bracket win and the highest Bonus Points for finishing 1st – 4th than any other event.

Among other things, Solo Battles require intense, well-rounded Jam Skating satisfying separate criteria from five different judges including the ability to ‘put on a show’ for the spectators…not to mention, mental fortitude, endurance and quick adjustability to adapt almost spontaneously during the heat of the battle all without the option to rely on another Jam Skater to pick up any slack.

Battle format

Jam Skaters will battle for 2 rounds against each other. Each round consists of each Jam Skater skating alone in the Jam Circle for up to 60 seconds. *The Championship Round will be a 4 round battle.

Jam Skaters are not allowed to begin their set until it is clear that the other Jam Skater has finished their set and has gone back to their own X-ZONE. Jam Skaters should not stop skating/battling within their own X-ZONE until they are actually finished with their set or it will be determined that their set has been completed and their turn will be automatically over. *The emcee will give Jam Skaters a 10 second warning that time is running out. Jam Skaters that continue to skate excessively (not more than a few seconds) after their time has expired may be disqualified.

Additionally, the Jam Skater waiting for their turn is to remain in their own X-ZONE.

Who goes first?

Jam Skaters will be seeded according to the results from the Showcase Showdown. The Jam Skater with the lower seed (which is the higher number) will always skate first. *Except for the Championship Round where the highest seed can choose whether to skate first or not.

The specific starting point—or side of the Jam Circle—for the Jam Skater who goes first and for the Jam Skater that goes second will be predetermined before the event begins and should remain consistent throughout the entirety of the event.


Each of the 5 judges will score each Jam Skater on a scale from 0-5 (including half points) after each round. Judges scores will not be presented until the end of both rounds. The Jam Skater with the most points at the end of two rounds is the winner. *With 5 judges and 2 rounds and up to 5 points from each judge per round, Jam Skaters have the potential of earning up to 25 points each per round or 50 points each per battle. *During the Championship Round, with 5 judges and 4 rounds and up to 5 points from each judge per round, Jam Skaters have the potential of earning up to 25 points each round or 100 points for the entire battle.


The Referee may give out warnings or penalties if skaters have committed any infractions. Warnings and penalties will be announced immediately by the referee. The Referee has final judgment on when to call a warning or penalty. In the event that a skater is given a penalty, 2.5 points will be deducted from their total score for each penalty. Warnings will not result in any points being deducted.


In the event that both Jam Skaters score the exact same number of points at the end of all rounds, there will be a tie-breaker round. The skater that scores the most points during the tie-breaker round is the winner. (Up to 25 points possible for each Jam Skater during a single tie-breaker round) If they tie again, additional tie breaker rounds will continue indefinitely until one of the Jam Skaters eventually scores more points than the other. *The Jam Skater that originally went first will also be first to skate during all tie breaker rounds.

The only break taken between the final round and any tie-breaker round is to give just enough time for the judges scores to be presented. The battle will then begin immediately.


Jam Skaters will earn 10 points for every bracket win including for the Championship Round.

All Points earned will be applied to the Jam Skaters’ overall Leaderboard total.

*BONUS* Points

Jam Skaters will also receive the following Bonus Points for placing 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th in their League.

100 points for 1st place
60 points for 2nd place
20 points for 3rd and 4th place

All Bonus Points earned will be applied to the Jam Skaters’ overall Leaderboard total.


Team Battles are extremely energetic and spirited for both spectators and competitors. They require a great deal of skill trying to include five Jam Skaters within a relatively small area all performing complex Jam Skating moves together in sync. Teams are judged employing the five Competitive Jam Skating categories and associated criteria with additional emphasis on synchronization, commandos, formations and overall team style which are absolutely essential to achieving a high score. Teams must have exactly five Jam Skaters which may include any combination of boys or girls.

Battle format

Teams will battle for 4 rounds against each other. Each round consists of each team skating alone in the Jam Circle for up to 120 seconds or 2 minutes. Teams can use their 2 minutes however they want including multiple combinations of 1, 2, 3, 4, or all 5 Jam Skaters skating at the same time typically incorporating some sort of transition or commando between each combination of skaters. *The Championship Round will be a 6 round battle.

Teams are not allowed to begin their set until it is clear that the other Team has finished their set and has gone back to their own X-ZONE. Teams should not stop skating/battling within their own X-ZONE until they are actually finished with their set or it will be determined that their set has been completed and their turn will be automatically over. *The emcee will give teams a 10 second warning that time is running out. Teams that continue to skate excessively (not more than a few seconds) after their time has expired may be disqualified.

Additionally, the Team waiting for their turn is to remain in their own X-ZONE.

Who goes first?

Teams will be seeded according to the results from the Showcase Showdown. The Team with the lower seed (which is the higher number) will always skate first. *Except for the Championship Round where the highest seed can choose whether to skate first or not.

The specific starting point—or side of the Jam Circle—for the team that goes first and for the team that goes second will be predetermined before the event begins and should remain consistent throughout the entirety of the event.


Each of the 5 judges will score each team on a scale from 0-5 (including half points) after each round. Judges scores will not be presented until the end of all 4 rounds. The Team with the most points at the end of 4 rounds is the winner.
*With 5 judges and 4 rounds and up to 5 points from each judge per round, Teams have the potential of earning up to 25 points each per round or 100 points each per battle.
*During the Championship Round, with 5 judges and 6 rounds and up to 5 points from each judge per round, teams have the potential of earning up to 25 points each round or 150 points for the entire battle.


The Referee may give out warnings or penalties if teams have committed any infractions. Warnings and penalties will be announced immediately by the referee. The Referee has final judgment on when to call a warning or penalty. In the event that a team is given a penalty, 2.5 points will be deducted from their total score for each penalty. Warnings will not result in any points being deducted.


In the event that both teams score the exact same number of points at the end of the 4 rounds, there will be 2 tie-breaker rounds. The team that scores the most points during the 2 tie-breaker rounds is the winner. (Up to 50 points possible for each team during the 2 tie-breaker rounds) If they tie again, additional tie breaker rounds in groups of 2 will continue indefinitely until one of the teams eventually scores more points than the other. *The team that originally went first will also be first to skate during all tie breaker rounds.

The only break taken between the final round and any tie-breaker round is to give just enough time for the judges scores to be presented. The battle will then begin immediately.


Each Jam Skater on the team will earn 5 points for every bracket win including for the Championship Round.

*BONUS* Points

Each Jam Skater on the team will also receive the following Bonus Points for placing 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th in their League.

50 points for 1st place
30 points for 2nd place
10 points for 3rd and 4th place

All Bonus Points earned will be applied to each Jam Skaters’ overall Leaderboard total.

:90 Performances (Ninety Second Performances)

Performing a prepared routine is an integral part of Competitive Jam Skating and is highly entertaining for spectators and generally an exceptionally rewarding experience for the Jam Skater(s) who is performing.

Jam Skaters get to choose—and should pre-plan—their music, their outfit, their overall style including the composition and choreography for the entirety of their performance. Judging employs the five Competitive Jam Skating categories and associated criteria with additional emphasis—for doubles and team performances—on synchronization, commandos, formations and overall team style which are absolutely essential to achieving a high score. Plus, each judge will be able to award up to 3 bonus points (including half points) known as the X-factor!

  1. The entirety of the Jam Skaters performance must be performed within the Jam Circle. Leaving the Jam Circle at any time during your routine is grounds for possible disqualification.
  2. Use of signs, props, other people and/or any uniform/costume that does not comply with the National Jam Skating League standard rules will NOT be permitted.
  3. Jam Skaters must perform predominantly unique routines at subsequent tournaments including but not limited to varied song selection, composition and choreography.
  4. Music selected should be chosen or edited to be family-friendly.
  5. All music selections should be cut and/or mixed to complement the routine and be no more than 90 seconds long with an obvious beginning and ending.
  6. Jam Skaters/Teams should turn in their final mix of music via email to: before midnight on the day before their event starts. Use MP3 format so the DJ can add your song easily to their DJ Software playlist.
    Name the file you send as your first and last name. (i.e. John Doe.mp3)
    *Please only email your FINAL mix.
  7. For the :90 doubles performances, you MUST have EXACTLY two Jam Skaters which can be any combination of male or female Jam Skaters.
  8. For the :90 team performances, teams of 3, 4 or 5 Jam Skaters is acceptable. You can have any combination of male or female Jam Skaters.
  9. All relevant National Jam Skating League tournament and event rules and restrictions apply.

Who goes first?

Jam Skaters that are ranked the highest overall or teams with the highest overall ranked Jam Skater will go last working backwards in order of their ranking. The order for Jam Skaters that are not ranked or teams without a ranked Jam Skater will be randomly selected. The order in which Jam Skaters will perform will be announced ahead of time.


Each of the 5 judges will score each performance on a scale from 0-5 (including half points) after each performance. Additionally, each judge will be able to give 0-3 bonus points (including half points) known as the X-FACTOR based on their overall impression of the performance as a whole. Judges scores will not be presented until the end of the entire event. The performance receiving the most points is the winner. *With 5 judges and up to 5 points from each judge per performance plus the possibility of up to 3 bonus points per judge, competitors have the potential of earning up to 40 points for their performance.


In the event of any ties, the competitor with the most X-FACTOR bonus points will be the winner. If there are still ties, the highest score from the other categories will be used to break those ties using the following order: BATTLETUDE, FOOTWORK, MUSICALITY, GROUNDWORK then POWER.


Jam Skating performances presented by the right person, skating to the right song, executing the right moves along with extraordinary musicality can significantly impact not only the Jam Skater(s) performing but also spectators and judges alike cementing in memory a meaningful and worthwhile moment in time. Along with the five individual judging categories and corresponding criteria with the (0-5) judging scale, each of the 5 judges will also be able to give up to 3 additional bonus points (including half points) based on their impression of the routine as a whole and any impact the overall performance had on them.

(0 – Ordinary and conventional, 1 – Satisfactory yet notable 2 – Remarkable and very impressive, 3 – Phenomenal and unforgettable!)


If there are 17 OR MORE Jam Skaters competing from the same League, the following points will be awarded for the following standings…

1st place: 75 points
2nd place: 50 points
3rd & 4th place: 25 points
5th – 8th place: 10 points
9th – 16th place: 5 Points
17th place and beyond: 0 Points

If there are from 9 - 16 Jam Skaters competing from the same League, the following points will be awarded for the following standings…

1st place: 45 points
2nd place: 30 points
3rd & 4th place: 15 points
5th – 8th place: 5 points
9th – 16th place: 0 points

If there are from 5 - 8 Jam Skaters competing from the same League, the following points will be awarded for the following standings…

1st place: 27 points
2nd place: 17 points
3rd & 4th place: 7 points
5th – 8th place: 0 points

All Points earned will be applied to the Jam Skaters’ overall Leaderboard total.